Up till recently it was only us Swiss talking about our own secrets but now it looks that also our neighbours seem to become interested. And on the 26th of August the german magazin "spiegel" revealed the location of the war-bunker of our government (http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,570501,00.html).
Two days before this article I passed quite a funny building on my one-week bicycle tour following the river Rein from it's source to the Rheinfall - not that this building is in any way related to a Swiss army bunker - I guess they would throw me into jail imediately if I would say so... :-)
If you are interested into Swiss Army Fortifications (many of those old ones are not in use anymore and can be visited) look at the following pages, I'm sure you'll find a 'hole' close to your place:
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